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The incredible magic your natal chart and bodygraph holds

Writer's picture: Emma BrashEmma Brash

I joined ‘Essence’ (a 12-week deep dive into my natal chart and body graph) with the desire to explore my inner self on a deeper level. I've always been intrigued by astrology and human design, and I've found that these esoteric studies have provided incredibly accurate insights in the past. This made me eager to delve even further into these studies with the help of my wonderful coach Lucy. There’s no one I trust more to guide me. I will be sharing some of the magic that unfolded and what you can expect from exploring your own charts. And while it's valuable to learn about the concepts of astrology and human design, the true essence lies in how you can apply this to your everyday life to create lasting transformation. Here’s 7 important things I learnt by studying my energetics:

1. I’ve learnt to face my shadow traits head on

I’ve really deepened my understanding of myself using the house system. Each area of your life is governed by a different zodiac sign, and each zodiac sign has both positive and negative traits. It’s forced me to look at areas of my life where these positive and negative traits are either propelling me forward or holding me back. As difficult as it can be to face sometimes, we need to look at our shadows so we can be both compassionate with ourselves but also make sure we are conscious of how they might be stopping us from achieving what we want in life. 

I can now see clearly how the negative traits of each sign may be blocking me in certain areas of my life. For example, my 10th house of career is in Pisces which means I can be a bit of a daydreamer with my career and have my head in the clouds! This can sometimes lead me to being unrealistic with my ideas. Or take my 6th house of health and self-improvement in Scorpio. Whilst Scorpio traits such as transformation, power and healing are great, I can also slip into the negative traits of becoming too obsessive. This leads me to excessively focus on my health and wellness and forget about fun and play too. 

You must be willing to confront the shadows of yourself to find the light. 

2. It can improve your relationships

Think about it, we are all so wildly unique with our own experiences and ways of thinking. Of course relationships are going to be tricky when two people come together. But the more you understand yourself and your partner, the more understanding there is in your relationship. This works two fold. By studying your own charts you can become aware of your negative traits in relationships and can consciously try to not project these onto your partner. For example, I’ve realised I can be a bit self-righteous and insensitive in my relationships and this is something I need to work on. Understanding what zodiac sign rules relationships also helps you appreciate what’s important to you in a relationship (and these may be things you were previously unconscious of). My 7th house of relationships is in Sagittarius which means I value freedom and independence. I’ve previously wondered if something was wrong with me, for example why am I not as bothered about marriage as other people are. Now I know this is just who I am and I need a partner that respects that. 

It also gets juicy when you study your partner's charts. That thing you struggle to understand about them … there’s probably answers hidden in their energetics. It helps you become much more compassionate with who they are and understand them on a deeper level. And surely that’s one of the main goals of a successful relationship… to understand and accept each other. 

3. I’ve learnt how to honour cyclical living

As women we are attuned to the cycles of nature - both externally through the cycles of the moon, and internally through our menstrual cycle. And for me personally I also have an emotional authority in human design which means I am constantly experiencing an emotional wave of ups and downs. My mood can change so much day to day and it can feel exhausting trying to navigate the constant wave of emotion. It was so liberating to learn how all of these cycles affect me. Understanding both the internal and external forces at play allows me to be more compassionate with myself when I might not be feeling my best. It also helps me to plan my diary to best support the stage of cycle I’m in. I find it much easier to sit in discomfort now as I know it’s all part of the human experience. 

4. I feel more sure of my purpose

I’ve always been a caring person and enjoyed helping others, but it wasn't until recently I started to consider making it my career. But since I left uni all I’ve ever known was marketing and the corporate world, and I wasn't really sure what my future career path looked like. I started Wellness around the World with a vision of helping others heal, but it wasn't until I studied my charts with Lucy that everything started to become really clear. Everything I had been holding in my vision for Wellness around the World was written all over my charts… literally! It’s almost as if it was all meant to be. And the more I studied the charts, the more I honed my ideas and visions. 

By learning about my gifts and my north node (my north node is what I’m stepping into in this lifetime), I realised what I’m destined to do in this lifetime, and it gave me the boost I needed to start making bigger moves. I’ve now enrolled back in college to study counselling, because I know I’m also meant to be a healer myself. I’ve also realised how important it is for me to experience things for myself and then share this with my community. It blew my mind when I saw how clearly everything I’d been wanting for myself over the past couple of years was written in the stars all along.

And if you’re feeling lost as to what your purpose is completely, your charts are likely to hold the answers to get you thinking. Maybe it will open up new avenues that you’d never even imagined for yourself. Or maybe, like it did for me, it can cement what you wanted for yourself all along. 

5. I have found meaning in my deepest inner traumas

Understanding my Chiron placement was a huge realisation for me. Known as the wounded healer, our Chiron placement can reveal our core wounds that we are meant to work through in this lifetime. And if you can heal these wounds it can become your secret power! By integrating the lessons (i.e. the really shit, hard times!) that you’ve gone through in life, you can become a whole version of yourself. It helps you find meaning in all of your experiences, especially the deep inner traumas. And from a personal point of view, I am so much more accepting of some of my childhood traumas. I can see now how I can use what I went through and transmute it into my power. Learning about my Chiron placement helped me love all of me and even find gratitude for the dark times. 

It’s also really helped me to understand what I need to step into. Just as I spoke about finding my purpose in the previous section, my Chiron placement has also cemented the healing work I’m here to do. My Chiron placement is in the third house of Leo. To summarise what this means, my placement encourages me to overcome past traumas by stepping into the spotlight myself. By recognising that my voice and ideas are not only valid but necessary, I can heal and help heal others. My past experiences can become powerful tools, enabling me to inspire confidence and creative self-expression in those around me. I’ve never been one for the spotlight, but I know I’m feeling called to step into it more for a greater purpose.

6. I understand why I struggle with certain areas of my life

Once I started to understand what areas of my life are supported by the planets and where I am likely to face challenges I am better able to direct my energy. It’s really comforting when you can clearly see an explanation for something you’ve always found difficult. There’s nothing wrong with you, it’s just an aspect of your chart that is unsupported. But this doesn’t mean you get a free ticket to just sit back and do nothing about it, it’s an invitation to become more conscious and aware of what needs a little more of your focus. 

There’s a few areas I’ve sometimes found difficult - career being one of them. It’s not that I have never done well in my career, but with my 10th house of career in pisces (meaning I greatly desire to make a meaningful difference but can also be excessively idealist) in detriment (meaning not supported by the planets) my visions don’t always feel supported and my dreams can feel too big to act upon. Awareness of this has been so helpful, and I can now see why I’ve never felt driven to succeed in the corporate world like so many others around me. Again, there’s nothing wrong with me, it’s just who I am. 

7. I’ve deepened my self-love practice

As well as highlighting my negative traits (as I’ve already discussed), my charts have really shone a light on all the things I love about myself. How often do we sit and analyse ourselves and pick out all the things we love? Seeing my personality mapped out in front of me allowed me to take a step back and see myself fully - the good and the bad. Our coach Lucy asked us to write down 10 things we love about ourselves, and without sounding egotistical, I had a lot to write. Sometimes we’re so unaware of some of our most incredible traits, assuming that these things that make us special are no big deal. But they are! You’re more unique than you realise. 

I’m going to share one of the things I wrote down for my list of things I love about myself:

“I love my ability to turn pain into power and confront difficult situations with a positive mindset, using my experiences to not only heal myself on a deeper level but also giving me the drive to want to do the same for others.”

What’s one thing you love about yourself? Now imagine having a full list of things! That’s what studying your charts can give you!

I can’t recommend deep diving into your charts enough. I honestly believe it’s one of those magic self-development tools that is so underused and underrated. If more people recognised their individuality, understood their unique character and lived life by their design the world would be so much more beautiful. 


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