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The coach or therapist you didn't know you needed

Writer's picture: Emma BrashEmma Brash

Why did I invest in coaches and therapists?

I’m not shy of working with therapists, healers, coaches and mentors. A few years ago the idea of investing a large sum of money into my own self-development seemed alien and quite honestly it felt like it would be a waste of money. But I've realised that what it actually came down to was not really feeling worthy of investing in myself. My mindset has completely changed now - because what’s more important than me? And I don’t say this in a big-headed, selfish way (because I promise I’m anything but that!). I’m just fully committed to becoming the best version of myself, to overcoming my demons, facing my shadows, being in the best headspace possible and making a big, positive impact on the world and those around me.

Figuring out the right coach or therapist for you

The problem is, there are soo many coaches and therapists out there, and so many different specialisms and avenues to explore. For someone who hasn’t worked with a coach or therapist before you might wonder where the hell to start and who is best qualified to help you. For many people the first port of call might be to go via the NHS, but waiting times can be long, or it simply might not feel like the right fit for you. I just want to shine a light on the other people you could work with because it’s never a one size fits all approach. Plus I’m a big believer in a holistic approach to self-development and wellbeing and think it's very beneficial to work with many different coaches and therapists.

I’m about to start working with my 4th coach and I’m so excited for the next chapter in my self-development and healing journey. I believe everyone has something to teach us, and each person I’ve worked with has had an impact on my life. Sometimes you’ll see the impact straight away, other times it may take months or even years for something to click. I’ve walked away from sessions not sure if it’s been worth the money or that I’ve got that much out of it, but then I realise later on that everything I have been taught is buried in the subconscious waiting to be unearthed at the right moment. I don’t regret any of the money I’ve spent now and recognise there has been value in all of it.

So how do you figure out what kind of coach or therapist you need? That’s a hard question to answer and I think it depends on what area of your life you want to work on at this point in time. I’m going to share the different coaches and therapists I’ve worked with and why I chose them. I think choosing who you work with is a very personal choice as you’ll be letting them into your innermost world, but the aim of this blog is to show you the different kinds of support you could receive. Because like I said before, there is no one size fits all and maybe you’ll discover the kind of coach you didn’t even know you needed :)

My personal self-development journey

Holistic Healing Coach/ Inner Child Therapist

The first person I ever worked with was Carina Talla - a holistic healing coach and inner child expert. I was really struggling with my mental health and was in the lowest place I’ve ever been. I chose to work with Carina because she has a holistic approach to mental wellbeing which incorporates Ayurvedic principles as well as healing your inner child. I was able to map back so many of my present struggles to childhood trauma and Carina really opened my eyes up to how much our pasts affect us. She also taught me the importance of self love and self care, and really nurturing ourselves through daily practices. I didn’t realise how little I valued myself before I met Carina. Working with a holistic healing coach is a great starting point as they look at the whole picture, which is so important because everything is interlinked. I’d also highly recommend starting with inner child therapy, as I’ve come to learn our childhoods almost always play a role in our struggles as adults. Carina gave me the tools I need for life so I can feel empowered as my own healer.

Career/Business/Life Coach

About a year later I decided to invest in my next coach - Emma Naylor. Emma is a talented Career Coach and Business Mentor, but what she taught me goes beyond that. So many of my sessions revolved around mindset and limiting beliefs, which creep into all areas of our lives. When I started working with Emma I had hit that stage in my life where I wasn't feeling very fulfilled and needed help figuring out my next move. Emma helped me uncover what was keeping me stuck, where my limiting beliefs were and what I needed to do to move forward. Working with a career/life coach felt different to therapy as for me it was more about the practical steps I needed to take to work towards my goals, as opposed to trying to untangle my past. I’m glad I did it this way around, as I needed to get myself in a better headspace before I could look forward into my future and to what I wanted to achieve. Having a coach like Emma was so valuable, as she pushed me and held me accountable when fear would otherwise have got in the way.

Human Design Reader/Coach

Next up, the lovely Lucy Adams. So Lucy is so much more than a human design reader/coach, but this is the capacity in which I worked with her. Human Design is fascinating, and working with a coach who understands how to read your unique human design is invaluable. I’m obsessed now. It’s taught me so much about who I am, and how to live as my true self. For me it beautifully complimented the work I had previously done with Emma. Human Design teaches us that we are all unique, and supports us in feeling personal alignment. When we are in alignment we feel less resistance in our lives and more abundance and ease. Lucy helped me to understand how to apply my unique design to my life and I have never felt more sure of my life path. I feel like I’ve only just scratched the surface, and since finishing my sessions with Lucy I’ve continued to study my chart myself. We live in a world where we’re all taught to be the same, but this doesn't serve us. If you’re feeling unfulfilled or not in alignment maybe it’s time to work with a human design reader and get to the bottom of who you came here to be.

Self-love coach

I’m soon going to start working with Sabi Kerr, a self-love coach and I can’t wait. Over the past few years I’ve done so much inner work and have gotten myself to a really strong place mentally, but now feels like the right time to really focus on feminine empowerment and live a life full of purpose, passion and pleasure. I feel like I’ve tackled a lot of the heavy, serious stuff (although I’m also aware it’s a lifelong journey) and now want to learn how to bring more pleasure, joy and confidence into my life. I’m not sure if this is going to sound really cheesy, but I’m loving falling in love with myself, but I want to go deeper and learn how to love all parts of me. I’m human and there’s still days I self loathe or feel unworthy. My goal is to have far less of these days, and way more days loving myself deeply. Plus I have A LOT of goals and dreams, and if I’m going to manifest them then I have to learn to truly love myself and feel worthy of them all. Deep self-love is the core foundation for everything else you desire, but it can be difficult to master. That’s why I’ve chosen to work with Sabi.

Breathwork coach

I haven’t worked with a breathwork coach yet, but I know this is one I will be investing in in the future. Breathwork is an opportunity to connect deeper within yourself, to move energy throughout your body, and to introduce more calm, clarity, and alignment into your everyday life. It’s a tool I want to master because I have no doubt over the power of breathwork. I know I’m not currently breathing correctly, and although I practice breathwork using apps, I really want to nail this simple yet life changing practice. Working with a breathwork coach could be a great option for someone who is opposed to talking therapy. We hold so much in our bodies, and sometimes this is where our pain needs to be released from - no talking involved!

Shamanic Healer

I’ve been waiting for the right time to work with a shaman and I’m now starting to feel so ready to work with plant medicine and go to deeper levels of consciousness to see what else needs to be unearthed. Using psychedelics obviously isn’t for everyone, and it isn’t a decision to take lightly. But I feel like I’m in the right headspace to tackle any deeper issues that need healing. Plant medicine allows us to go to places that the conscious mind cannot. I understand it can get dark, which is why it’s been important for me to do a lot of the inner work first. It's also important that I find the right healer to help me integrate after the plant medicine ceremony. This work is now firmly on my radar and once I have more to say I will share it with you all.

I hope this has given you some insights into the many different ways you can get help. Obviously I’m just scratching the surface with the help that’s out there as this is my own self-development/healing journey. Let it be a reminder that it is a journey and we’re constantly evolving and learning. Don’t be afraid to have people help you along the way. Embrace each stage and enjoy it. Self-development and healing can also be fun!

All my love,



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