Inner Child Therapy
Reconnecting to our younger selves, focusing on our core beliefs and addressing our needs that haven't been met as children.
What is Inner Child Therapy?
We all have an inner child, a young part of ourselves that we will always carry with us no matter how old we get. What many of us are not aware of is that our inner child will often show up in our adult lives, in everyday situations. When we are triggered, we are likely reacting to a core wound from our childhood. For some of us it may have been having emotionally unavailable parents, for others it may be sexual or physical abuse. Childhood trauma, whether big or small, doesn’t come back as a feeling, it comes back as a reaction. Inner child healing is about understanding these reactions and addressing the needs that weren’t met as children. As adults we can learn to provide ourselves with what we desperately seek in others, such as safety or love. We can become our own inner parent.
Why I love Inner Child Therapy
Having gone through inner child therapy myself, I am a huge advocate for connecting to our younger selves. Many of us are walking around in our adult bodies, carrying wounds from our childhood. Inner child healing reminds us that our behaviour is not 'wrong' or something to be ashamed of, but just an unconscious reaction to what we have experienced in our childhoods. If we avoid addressing our past it can result in destructive behaviours, to ourselves and our relationships. My hope is that everyone can connect with their inner child and create the safety and love that we all deserve.